Chang , Ching Art Gallery
駐校藝術家張敬大師捐贈作品36件給本校典藏,張大師的木雕作品,為彙集其生活歷程與感知而成的藝術創作,校門口噴水池「太極」公共藝術,充份展現大師的創意風範。 典藏作品:科技之光、老人的祈禱、壯牛開運(大小2座)、赤壁圖、同心協力群像(大中小共4座)、蒙恩突破(獎座及作品共2座)、登峰造極(獎座及作品共2座)、走向光明、感恩的心、朽木可雕、千禧母愛、二宮尊德像(大小2座)、身臨其境、勝利之馬、銅雕小品12座、「尋」素描1幅、「內心之光」素描1幅、「相敬如賓」素描1幅。
Yuntech’s artist-in-residence, Ching Chang, has donated his 36 precious sculptures to the University for collection. The inspiration of his works comes from different perceptions and journeys in his life. His “tai-chi” public art, which is in the middle of the fountain by the school gate fountain, has fully showed his mastery in sculpture. Collection of his works includes: The Light of Science and Technology, The Prayer of an Elderly, Good Luck Ox (2 pieces), Red Cliff, Working Together (4 pieces), The Breakthrough, Reaching The Summit Of Achievement, Walking to the Light, Thankful Heart, Deadwoods Can Be Carved, Millennium Mother Love, Ninomiya Sontoku Statue(2 pieces), Personally Situated, Victory Horse, 12 pieces of bronze art work, and 3 sketches (Seeking, The Light of Heart, and Respecting Each Other Like Guests )